Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of Notes

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16177on PERSPECTIVE. fore the Point X is the Repreſentation of the
ſaid Extremity.
94. It is manifeſt from hence, that when the
Perſpective of a Line, perpendicular to the
Geometrical Plane is once found, it is eaſy af-
terwards to find the Repreſentations of any Per-
pendiculars of the ſame Length as that.
Method II.
The Perſpective Plane being conſider’d as the Geo-
metrical Plane.
95. Let T (as in Fig. 51.) be the accidental
11Fig. 53. Point of perpendicular Lines to the Geometri-
cal Plane;
H I the Arc of a Circle, whoſe Cen-
ter is T, and ſemidiameter the Eye’s Diſtance
from the perſpective Plane:
Alſo let a be the
Point where the Perpendicular, whoſe Appear-
ance is ſought, meets the perſpective Plane, and
B C the Length of this Perpendicular.
About the Point a, as a Center, and with the
Semidiameter B C, deſcribe the Circle L F, and
draw the Line I L, or H F, touching each of the
Circles H I, and F L;
and then a X or a x, is
the Appearance ſought, viz.
a X, when the Per-
pendicular is above that Surface of the per-
ſpective Plane next to the Eye, and a x, when
the Perpendicular is on the oppoſite Side.
Draw the Radii a F, a L, T I, T H, to the
Points of Contact F, L, I, and H.

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