Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of contents

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[151.] Remarks.
[152.] Method III.
[153.] Operation.
[154.] Demonstration.
[155.] H I: T H:: a X: a T.
[156.] Prob. III.
[157.] Operation.
[158.] Demonstration.
[159.] Prob. IV.
[160.] Method II.
[161.] Operation.
[162.] Method III.
[163.] Remarks.
[164.] CHAP. VII. Of Shadows.
[165.] Of Solar Shadows. Problem I.
[166.] Operation.
[167.] Proe. II.
[168.] Remarks.
[169.] Problem III.
[170.] Of the Shadows of a ſmall Light. Prob. IV.
[171.] Problem V.
[172.] Remarks.
[173.] CHAP. VIII. Of mechanically ſhortning the Operations of Perſpective. 1. WHEN the perſpective Plane is ſup-pos’d perpendicular or upright. Problem I.
[174.] Operation.
[175.] Method II.
[176.] Prob. II.
[177.] Operation.
[178.] Method II.
[179.] Method III.
[180.] The Demonſtration of the two laſt Ways.
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