Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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              Spring-Tides. </s>
              <s>For he ſagaciouſly and
              plauſibly conjectur'd that ſuch obſervati­
              ons accurately made, would diſcover the
              truth or erroneouſneſs of the
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              concerning the Ebbing and
              Flowing of the Sea: which
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Des Cartes
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              aſcribes to the greater preſſure made upon
              the Air by the Moon, and the Intercur­
              rent Ethereal Subſtance at certain times
              (of the Day, and of the Lunary Moneth)
              then at others. </s>
              <s>But in regard we found
              the Quick-ſilver in the Tube to move up
              and down ſo uncertainly, by reaſon, as it
              ſeems, of accidental mutation in the Air;
              I ſomewhat doubt whether we ſhall finde
              the Altitude of the Quick-ſilver to vary
              as regularly as the Experiment is ingeni­
              ouſly propoſ'd. </s>
              <s>The ſucceſs we ſhall (God
              permitting us to make tryal of it) acquaint
              Your Lordſhip with; and in the mean
              time take notice, that when we had occa­
              ſion to take the Tube out of the Frame
              (after it had ſtaid there part of
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              and part of
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              ) a good Fire being
              then in the room, becauſe it was a Snowy
              day, we found the Quick-ſilver in the
              Tube to be above the upper ſurface of
              the ſubjacent Mercury 29 Inches three
              quarters. </s>