Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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[31.] Poculaque admiſtis imitantur vitea Sorbis.
[34.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century X.
[35.] Neſcio quis teneros oculus mihi faſcinat Agnos:
[36.] ATABLE Of the chief Matters containedin the CENTURIES
[37.] His Lordſhips uſual Receipt for the Gout (to which, the Sixtieth Experiment hath reference) wasthis. Tobe taken in this order. 1. The Poultice.
[38.] 2. The Bath or Fomentation.
[39.] 3. The Plaiſter.
[40.] HISTORY Natural and Experimental OF LIFE & DEATH: OR, Of the Prolongation of LIFE. Written in Latin by the Right Honorable Francis Lord Verulam, Viſcount St. Albans.
[41.] LONDON, Printed for VVilliam Lee at the Turks-head in Fleetſtreet. 1669.
[43.] To the preſent Age and Poſterity, Greeting.
[44.] THE HISTORY OF Life and Death. The Preface.
[45.] THE Particular Topick Places; OR, ARTICLES of INQUISITION TOUCHING LIFE and DEATH.
[46.] Nature Durable, and not Durable. The History.
[47.] Obſervations.
[48.] The Hiſtory.
[49.] An Obſervation.
[50.] Deſiccation, Prohibiting of Deſiccation, and In-teneration of that which is deſiccated and dried. The Hiſtory.
[51.] Obſervations.
[52.] Length and Shortneß of Life in Living Creatures. The Hiſtory.
[53.] Obſervations.
[54.] Alimentation, or Nouriſhment: and the way of Nouriſhing. The History.
[55.] Length and Shortneſs of Life in Man. The Hiſt@ry.
[56.] Medicines for Long Life.
[57.] The Intentions.
[58.] The Operation upon the Spirits that they may remain Youthful, and renew their Vigour. The Hiſtory.
[59.] The Operation upon the Excluſion of the Air. 2. The Hiſtory.
[60.] The Operation upon the Bloud, and the Sanguifying Heat. 3. The Hiſtory.
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164130Natural Hiſtory; not eſculent, are notwithſtanding poculent; as Hops, Broom, & c. Quare, what
Herbs are good for Drink, beſides the two aforenamed;
for that it may
(perhaps) eaſe the charge of Brewing, if they make Beer to require leſs Malt,
or make it laſt longer.
Parts fit for the nouriſhment of Man in Plants, are Seeds, Roots, and
11631. Fruits;
but chiefly Seeds and Roots. For Leaves, they give no nouriſhment at all,
or very little;
no more do Flowers, or Bloſſoms, or Stalks. The reaſon is, for
that Roots, and Seeds, and Fruits, (in as much as all Plants conſiſt of an Oyly,
and Watry ſubſtance commixed) have more of the Oyly ſubſtance, and
Leaves, Flowers, &
c. of the Watry. And ſecondly, they are more concocted,
for the Root, which continueth ever in the Earth, is ſtill concocted by the
and Fruits and Grains (we ſee) arehalf a year, or more in concocting;
whereas Leaves are out, and perfect in a Moneth.
Plants (for the moſt part) are more ſtrong, both in taſte and ſmell in the
22632. Seed, than in the Leaf and Root.
The cauſe is, for that in Plants that are not
of a fierce and eager ſpirit, the vertue is increaſed by Concoction and Ma-
turation, which is ever moſt in the Seed;
but in Plants that are of a fierce and
eager ſpirit, they are ſtronger whileſt the ſpirit is incloſed in the Root;
the ſpirits do but weaken and diſſipate, when they come to the Air and Sun;
as we ſee in Onions, Garlick, Dragon & c. Nay, there be Plants that have their
Roots very hot and aromatical, and their Seeds rather inſipide as Ginger.
cauſe is (as was touched before) for that the heat of thoſe Plants is very diſſi-
which under the Earth is contained and held in, but when it cometh
to the Air, it exhaleth.
The Juyces of Fruits, are either Watry or Oyly. Ireckon amongſt the
33633. Watry, all the Fruits, out of which, Drink is expreſſed;
as the Grape, the Ap-
ple, the Peer, the Cherry, the Pomegranate, &
c. And there areſome others, which
though they be not in uſe for Drink, yet they appear to be of the ſame nature;
as Plums, Services Mulberries, Raſps, Orenges, Lemmons, & c. And for thoſe Juyces
that are ſo fleſhy, as they cannot make Drink by Expreſſion, yet perhaps)
they may make Drink by mixture of Water.
Poculaque admiſtis imitantur vitea Sorbis.
And it may be Heps and Brier-Berries would do the like. Thoſe that have Oyly
Juyces, are Olives.
Almonds, Nuts of all ſorts, Pine-Apples, & c. and their Juyces
are all inflamable.
And you muſt obſerve alſo, that ſome of the Watry Juyces,
after they have gathered ſpirit, will burn and enflame, as Wine.
There is a
third kinde of Fruit that is ſweet, with out either ſharpneſs or oylineſs;
as is the Fig and the Date.
It hath been noted, that moſt Trees, and eſpecially thoſe that bear Maſt,
44634. are fruitful but once in two years.
The cauſe, no doubt, is the expence of
for many Orchard Trees well cultured, will bear divers years toge-
There is no Tree, which beſides the Natural Fruit, doth bear ſo many
55635. Baſtard Fruits as the Oak doth;
for beſides the Acorn, it beareth Galls,
Oak-Apples, and certain Oak-Nuts, which are inflamable;
and certain
Oak-Berries ſticking cloſe to the Body of the Tree without Stalk.
It beareth
alſo Miſſeltee, though rarely.
The cauſe of all theſe may be, the cloſeneſs,
and ſolidneſs of the Wood, and Pithe of the Oak;
which maketh ſeveral
Juyces finde ſeveral Eruptions.
And therefore, if you will deviſe to make
any Super-Plants, you muſt ever give the Sap plentiful riſing, and hard

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