Harriot, Thomas, Mss. 6782

List of thumbnails

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    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="eng" type="free">
        <div type="bundle" level="1" n="1">
          <pb file="add_6782_f085" o="85" n="169"/>
          <div type="page_commentary" level="0" n="0">
              <s xml:space="preserve">[
                <emph style="bf">Commentary:</emph>
              <s xml:space="preserve"> On this folio the orders discovered on the previous sheet (Add MS
                <ref target="http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/permanent/library/HSPGZ0AE&start=160&viewMode=image&pn=169"> f. </ref>
              ) are listed systematically. Each new order begins with the second triple from the previous order, with the first two entries interchanged.
              At the bottom of the page, Harriot notes the starting differences for each order.
              He has also written the enigmatic </s>
              <quote xml:lang="lat">
                <s xml:space="preserve"> Hic sunt omnes primi sed hic omnes non sunt </s>
              <s xml:space="preserve"> which was greatly to confuse his friend Nathaniel Torporley when he came across it some years later.
              For discussion of this and the surrounding sheets
                <ref id="tanner_1977"> (Tanner </ref>
              . </s>
              <s xml:space="preserve">]</s>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve"/>
            <s xml:space="preserve"> 1)
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            order ]</s>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Et sic in cæteribus in
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            And so on for the rest ]</s>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Hic sunt omnes primi
            sed hic omnes non sunt
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            Here are all the primes but here not all are ]</s>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Nota
            prima Differentia ordinis
            primi. 2. 4. sub dupla.
            Secundi. 4. 12. tripla
            Tertij. 6. 12. Dupla
            Quarti. 8. 24. tripla
            Quinti. 10. 20. Dupla
            Sexti. 12. 36. tripla
            Septimi. 14. 28. Dupla
            Octavi. 16. 48. tripla
            &c in
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            First differences of the order
            First double
            Second triple
            Third double
            Fourth triple
            Fifth double
            Sixth triple
            Seventh double
            Eighth triple
            etc. ]</s>