Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of Notes

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17ixThe PREFACE.
In the Eighth Chapter, are laid down
ſome Mechanical ways for making the Uſe of
Perſpective eaſy, by means of Rulers and
Threads, (eaſily to be gotten by any body,
and not difficult to be put in practice) they
being eaſier to uſe than any of the Inſtru-
ments that have hitherto been invented for
this Purpoſe.
The laſt Chapter ſhews the Uſefulneſs of
Perſpective in Dialling.
Such is the Plan of this ſinall Work;
wherein I have not ſo much endeavour’d to
advance Curioſities, as Things of real Uſe;

hoping that, without making a Shew of Skill
ill beſtow’d, I ſhall make my Book good enough,
if by its Uſe I make it neceſſary.
For which
Reaſon, I have endeavour’d to lay down the
whole, ſo as to be underſtood by thoſe who
have only read the Elements of Euclid.
tho’ I have deviated from this Rule in ſome
few Place;
they are printed in Italick, that
ſo they may be paſs’d over without any Hin-
drance to the Learner.
Here I muſt not forget to mention, that in
Reviſing this Eſſay, I had the Happineſs of
meeting with an able Painter;
who has ſe-
riouſly conſider’d every Thing of his Profeſ-
ſion, neceſſary to be known, among

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