Galilei, Galileo, The systems of the world, 1661

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              nor eſſaies to move whither it is impoſſible to arrive. </s>
              <s>And if any
              one ſhould yet object, that albeit the right line, and
              ly the motion by it is producible
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum,
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              that is to ſay, is
              terminate; yet nevertheleſs Nature, as one may ſay, arbitrarily
              hath aſſigned them ſome terms, and given natural inſtincts to
              its natural bodies to move unto the ſame; I will reply, that this
                < n="marg29"/>
              might perhaps be fabled to have come to paſs in the firſt Chaos,
              where indiſtinct matters confuſedly and inordinately wandered;
              to regulate which, Nature very appoſitely made uſe of right
                < n="marg30"/>
              tions, by which, like as the well-conſtituted, moving, diſdorder
              themſelves, ſo were they which were before depravedly diſpoſed
              by this motion ranged in order: but after their exquiſite
              tion and collocation, it is impoſſible that there ſhould remain
              tural inclinations in them of longer moving in a right motion,
              from which now would enſue their removal from their proper and
              natural place, that is to ſay, their diſordination; we may
              fore ſay that the right motion ſerves to conduct the matter to erect
              the work; but once erected, that it is to reſt immoveable, or if
                < n="marg31"/>
              moveable, to move it ſelf onely circularly. </s>
              <s>Unleſs we will ſay
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              that theſe mundane bodies, after they had been made
              and finiſhed, were for a certain time moved by their Maker, in a
              right motion, but that after their attainment to certain and
              terminate places, they were revolved one by one in Spheres,
              ſing from the right to the circular motion, wherein they have
              been ever ſince kept and maintained. </s>
              <s>A ſublime conceipt, and
                < n="marg32"/>
              worthy indeed of
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              : upon which, I remember to have heard
              our common friend the ^{*}
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Lyncean Academick
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              diſcourſe in this
              ner, if I have not forgot it. </s>
              <s>Every body for any reaſon
              ted in a ſtate of reſt, but which is by nature moveable, being ſet
                < n="marg33"/>
              at liberty doth move; provided withal, that it have an
              tion to ſome particular place; for ſhould it ſtand indifferently
              fected to all, it would remain in its reſt, not having greater
              ducement to move one way than another. </s>
              <s>From the having of
              this inclination neceſſarily proceeds, that it in its moving ſhall
                < n="marg34"/>
              tinually increaſe its acceleration, and beginning with a moſt ſlow
              motion, it ſhall not acquire any degree of velocity, before it
              ſhall have paſſed thorow all the degrees of leſs velocity, or
              ter tardity: for paſſing from the ſtate of quiet (which is the
                < n="marg35"/>
              finite degree of tardity of motion) there is no reaſon by which
              it ſhould enter into ſuch a determinate degree of velocity, before
              it ſhall have entred into a leſs, and into yet a leſs, before it entred
              into that: but rather it ſtands with reaſon, to paſs firſt by thoſe
              degrees neareſt to that from which it departed, and from thoſe to
              the more remote; but the degree from whence the moveable
                < n="marg36"/>
              began to move, is that of extreme tardity, namely of reſt. </s>