Galilei, Galileo, The systems of the world, 1661

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1made moveable, when the ſaid Pythagoras aſcribed unto it
SALV. We can think no other, if we do but conſider the way

he taketh to confute their aſſertion; the confutation of which
conſiſts in the demolition of buildings, and the toſſing of ſtones,
living creatures and men themſelves up into the Air.
cauſe ſuch overthrows and extruſions cannot be made upon
dings and men, which were not before on the Earth, nor can men
be placed, nor buildings erected upon the Earth, unleſſe when it
ſtandeth ſtill; hence therefore it is cleer, that Ptolomy argueth
gainſt thoſe, who having granted the ſtability of the Earth for
ſome time, that is, ſo long as living creatures, ſtones, and Maſons
were able to abide there, and to build Palaces and Cities, make it
afterwards precipitately moveable to the overthrow and
of Edifices, and living creatures, &c.
For if he had undertook to
diſpute againſt ſuch as had aſcribed that revolution to the Earth
from its firſt creation, he would have confuted them by ſaying,
that if the Earth had alwayes moved, there could never have been
placed upon it either men or ſtones; much leſs could buildings
have been erected, or Cities founded, &c.
Ariſtotle and
Ptolomy ſeem to
confute the
ty of the Earth
gainſt thoſe who
thought that it
ving a long time
ſtood still, did
gin to move in the
time of Pythagoras
SIMP. I do not well conceive theſe Ariſtotelick and
maick inconveniences.
SALV. Ptolomey either argueth againſt thoſe who have
ed the Earth always moveable; or againſt ſuch as have held that
it ſtood for ſome time ſtill, and hath ſince been ſet on moving.
If againſt the firſt, he ought to ſay, that the Earth did not always
move, for that then there would never have been men, animals, or
edifices on the Earth, its vertigo not permitting them to ſtay
But in that he arguing, ſaith that the Earth doth not
move, becauſe that beaſts, men, and houſes before plac'd on the
Earth would precipitate, he ſuppoſeth the Earth to have been once
in ſuch a ſtate, as that it did admit men and beaſts to ſtay, and
build thereon; the which draweth on the conſequence, that it
did for ſome time ſtand ſtill, to wit, was apt for the abode of
nimals and erection of buildings.
Do you now conceive what I
would ſay?
SIMP. I do, and I do not: but this little importeth to the
merit of the cauſe; nor can a ſmall miſtake of Ptolomey,
mitted through inadvertencie be ſufficient to move the Earth,
when it is immoveable.
But omitting cavils, let us come to the
ſubſtance of the argument, which to me ſeems unanſwerable.
SALV. And I, Simplicius, will drive it home, and re-inforce it,
by ſhewing yet more ſenſibly, that it is true that grave bodies
turn'd with velocity about a ſettled centre, do acquire an impetus
of moving, and receding to a diſtance from that centre, even

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