Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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That Agricola occupied a very considerable place in the great awakening of
learning will be disputed by none except by those who place the development
of science in rank far below religion, politics, literature, and art.
Of wider
importance than the details of his achievements in the mere confines of the
particular science to which he applied himself, is the fact that he was the first
to found any of the natural sciences upon research and observation, as opposed
to previous fruitless speculation.
The wider interest of the members of the
medical profession in the development of their science than that of geologists
in theirs, has led to the aggrandizement of Paracelsus, a contemĀ­
porary of Agricola, as the first in deductive science.
Yet no comparative
study of the unparalleled egotistical ravings of this half-genius, half-alchemist,
with the modest sober logic and real research and observation of Agricola,
can leave a moment's doubt as to the incomparably greater position which
should be attributed to the latter as the pioneer in building the foundation
of science by deduction from observed phenomena.
Science is the base upon
which is reared the civilization of to-day, and while we give daily credit to all
those who toil in the superstructure, let none forget those men who laid its
first foundation stones.
One of the greatest of these was Georgius Agricola.
1[Figure 1]

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