Huygens, Christiaan, Christiani Hugenii opera varia; Bd. 2: Opera geometrica. Opera astronomica. Varia de optica

Table of handwritten notes

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page |< < (451) of 568 > >|
## Extra hyperbolam # Intra hyperbolam
2 # 28460498941515413987990042 # 20779754131836628160009835
4 # 24318761696971474416609403 # 22410399968461612921314879
8 # 23345088913234727934949897 # 22868197570682058351436953
16 # 23105412906351426185065096 # 22986193244865462241217428
32 # 23045725982658962868047234 # 23015921117139340153267671
64 # 23030818728479610745741910 # 23023367512879647736902891
128 # 23027092819292183214705676 # 23025230015404383009313933
256 # 23026161398510805910921810 # 23025695697539046352276636
512 # 23025928546847571901068394 # 23025812121604634087915779
1024 # 23025870334152518169052273 # 23025841227841783762272302
2048 # 23025855780992551911165543 # 23025848504414868310197241
4096 # 23025852142703422669729927 # 23025850323559001769499206
8192 # 23025851233131194254554390 # 23025850778345089029496888
16384 # 23025851005738140519209367 # 23025850892041614212944994
32768 # 23025850948889877295901163 # 23025850920465745719335070
65536 # 23025850934677811503232115 # 23025850927571778609090592
131072 # 23025850931124795055887228 # 23025850929348286832351848
262144 # 23025850930236540944102405 # 23025850929792413888218560
524288 # 23025850930014477416159412 # 23025850929903445652188450
1048576 # 23025850929958961534173864 # 23025850929931203593181124
# ## hyperbolæ ſector intra ſequentes terminos conſiſtit
## 23025850929940456240178681 # 23025850929940456240178704

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