Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of contents

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[181.] II. When the Perſpective Plane is inclined. Prob. III.
[182.] Prob. IV.
[183.] Remarks.
[184.] III. When the Perſpective Plane is Parallel or Horizontal. Prob. V.
[185.] Operation.
[186.] Demonstration.
[187.] Remarks.
[188.] Prob. VI.
[189.] Demonstration.
[190.] Prob. VII.
[191.] CHAP. IX.
[192.] Prob. I. 122. To draw Vertical Dials.
[193.] Demonstration.
[194.] Remark.
[195.] Prob. II. 123. To draw inclining Dials.
[196.] The Uſe of the Camera Obscura in Deſigning. Advertisement.
[197.] The Uſe of the Camera Obscura in Deſigning. Definition.
[198.] Theorem I.
[199.] Theorem II.
[200.] The Deſcription of the Firſt Machine.
[201.] Remarks.
[202.] Uſe of the Machine. Problem I.
[203.] Demonstration. Concerning the before-mention’d Inclination of the Mirrours.
[204.] Prob. II.
[205.] Prop. III.
[206.] Problem IV.
[207.] As the Machine’s Height above the Table, leſs the Glaſs’s focal Length, is to
[208.] The Height of the Machine above the Table; So is The Glaſſes focal Length, to the Diſtance of the Figure from the Glaſs.
[209.] 37 Remarks concerning the Repreſentation of Per-ſons Faces.
[210.] A Deſcription of the Second Machine.
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18289PERSPECTIVE. the Diſtance of the two Points whereat the
Thread is faſten’d on the Ruler, deſcribe an
Arc cutting the Geometrical Line in F;
faſten the Extremity of one of the aforeſaid
Threads in the ſaid Point F, and the Extremity
of the other in the Point O:
Take moreover
another Thread, put through the Eye of a
Needle, as in the aforegoing Method;
one End
of which, faſten in F, and afterwards put it a-
bout a Pin placed in O.
Then the only Dif-
ference between this Way and the precedent one,
is, that the Ruler M N muſt be uſed, by always
keeping the Threads M F, and N O tight, in-
ſtead of one turning about a Point.
For the Demonſtration of this, vide n. 39.
Prob. II.
111. To find the Perſpective of one or more Lines
perpendicular to the Geometrical Plane.
Take two Rulers L C and N Z, having the
11Fig. 60. four Ends of two Threads, or rather four Braſs
or Steel Wires of equal Length fixed on them,
at the Places L, I, N and M, ſo that L I be equal
to M N.
Then fix one oſ theſe Rulers upon the
Edge of the perſpective Plane, perpendicular to
the Baſe Line.
Now take a Thread, put thro’
the Eye of a Needle, hang a Plummet at one
End, for the ſame Uſe as in Problem I , 22109. faſten the other End to the Slider or Curſor D,
freely moveable on the Ruler L C;
put this
Thread about a Pin, ſet up againſt the Ruler C L
inc, ſo that C H be equal to the Height of the Eye.
Let T be the Repreſentation of the Foot of a
Move the Curſor D along C

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