Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1Experiment, namely, That from the ſole
ſwelling of Water there recorded, it can­
not be ſo ſafely concluded that Water,
when freed from compreſſion, is endowd
with an Elaſtical power of expanding it
ſelf, ſince thereby it appears that the In­
tumeſcence produc'd by that Experiment,
may (at leaſt in great part) be aſcrib'd to
the numerous little bubbles which are
wont to be produc'd in Water, from
which the preſſure of the Atmoſphere is
in great meaſure taken off.
So apt are we
to be miſ-led, even by Experiments them­
ſelves, into Miſtakes, when either we con­
ſider not that moſt Effects may proceed
from various Cauſes, or minde onely thoſe
Circumſtances of our Experiment, which
ſeem to comply with our preconceiv'd
Hypotheſis or Conjectures.
And hence it ſeems alſo probable, that
in the Pores or inviſible little receſſes of
Water it ſelf there lie commonly inter­
ſperſ'd many parcels of either Air, or at
leaſt ſomething Analogous thereunto, al­
though ſo very ſmall that they have not
been hitherto ſo much as ſuſpected to
lurk there.
But if it be demanded how it
appears that there is interſperſ'd through
the Body of Water any ſubſtance thinner

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