Alberti, Leone Battista, Architecture, 1755
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1of the Branca Urſina. Upon the Mutules lies
the Corona, which is allowed four Minutes,
and this Corona conſiſts of a Plat-band or Drip
and a Cima Recta, which laſt takes up one
Minute and a Half.
If you are to have a Pe­
diment over your Building, all the Members of
the Cornice muſt be transferred to that, and
every Member in the Pediment muſt correſpond
with the ſame in the Cornice, and anſwer to
the ſame Perpendiculars and Proportions.
is only this Difference between Pediments and
the firſt Cornices, that in Pediments the high­
eſt Member of the Cornice is always the Drip,
which in the Doric Order is a Cima-reverſa,
four Minutes in Height, whereas this Drip or
Cima has never Place in a Cornice that is to
have a Pediment over it; but in thoſe which
are to have no Pediment it is conſtantly uſed.
But of Pediments we ſhall ſpeak by and by.
This was the Entablature of the Dorians. The

Ionians were of Opinion, and not without Rea­
ſon, that the Proportion of the Architrave
ought to encreaſe according to the Bigneſs of
the Column; which muſt certainly have a good
Effect both here and in the Doric Order too.
The Rules they gave for enlarging this Pro­
portion were as follows: When the Column
was twenty Foot high the Architrave ought to
be the thirteenth Part of that Length; but
when the Column was to be five-and-twenty
Foot, the Architrave ſhould be the twelfth
Part of the Length of the Column.
if the Column was to be thirty Foot high, the
Architrave was to be the eleventh Part, and for
higher Columns in the ſame Gradation.
Ionic Architrave, beſides its Cymaiſe, conſiſted
of three Faſcias, and the Whole was divided
into nine Parts, two of which were allowed to
the Cymaiſe, which was an upright one.
Remainder below the Cymaiſe they divided in­
to twelve Parts, three of which went to the
lower, four to the middle, and five to the up­
per Faſcia, which lies juſt below the Cymaiſe.
Some made theſe Faſcias without any Sort of
Mouldings between them, but others made
them with Mouldings, and theſe were ſome­
times a ſmall Cima-inverſa, taking up a fifth
Part of the Faſcia, and ſometimes a Baguette
taking up a ſeventh Part.
We may obſerve in
the Works of the Ancients, that the Linea­
ments or Members of the ſeveral Orders were
often mixed, one borrowing from another, and
often with a very good Effect.
But they ſeem­
ed chiefly pleaſed with an Architrave of only
two Faſcias, which I take to be entirely Doric
without its Reglets and Drops.
Their Man­
ner of deſigning this Architrave was thus.
divided the whole Height into nine Parts, aſ­
ſigning one Part and two Thirds to the Cy­
The upper Faſcia had four Parts and
one Third, and the lower Faſcia the other three.
Half the upper Part of this Cymaiſe was taken
up with a Cima-inverſa and a Fillet, and the
other half with a ſmall Quarter-round.
upper Faſcia for its Cymaiſe had a Baguette,
which took up an eighth Part of the Faſcia,
and the lower Faſcia had a Cima-recta of the
third Part of its whole Breadth.
Upon the
Architrave lay the Rafters; but their Heads
did not appear out, as in the Doric Order, but
were cut away Perpendicular to the Archi­
trave, and were covered with a flat Pannel
which I call the Freze, the Breadth of which
was the ſame as the Height of the Architrave
which is under it.
Upon this they uſed to
carve Vaſes and other Utenſils belonging to
their Sacrifices, or Skulls of Oxen at certain
ſtated Diſtances, with Feſtoons of Flowers and
Fruits hanging between their Horns.
Freze had over it a Cima-recta, which was
never higher than ſour Parts of the Freze, nor
lower than three.
Over this ran the Denticle,
four Parts high, ſometimes carved and ſome­
times left quite plain.
Above this was the
Ovolo, out of which came the Mutules, three
Parts in Height, and carved with Eggs, and
from hence came the Mutules ſupporting the
Drip, which was four Parts high and ſix Parts
and a half Broad in its Soffit, or that Face un­
derneath which lay over the Mutules.
this Drip was a ſmall Cima-recta, or elſe a Ba­
guette two Parts in Height, and at the Top of
all was a Cymaiſe or Cima-inverſa of three
Parts, or if you pleaſe of four.
In this Cy­
maiſe both the Ionians and the Dorians uſed to
carve the Mouths of Lyons, which ſerved for
Spouts to throw out the Water; but they took
Care that they ſhould neither ſprinkle any Body
that was going into the Temple, nor beat back
into any Part of the Temple itſelf; and for this
Reaſon they ſtopt up thoſe Mouths that were

over the Doors and Windows.
The Corinthi­
ans added nothing either to the Architrave,
Freze or Cornice, that I can call to Mind, ex­
cept only that they did not make their Mutu­
les ſquare like the Dorians, but with a Sort of
Sweep like a Cymaiſe, and made the Diſtances
between them equal to their Projecture from
the Naked of the Building.
In all other Re­
ſpects they followed the Ionians. Thus much

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