Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

Table of figures

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              bubbles, the greater they will grow, be­
              cauſe having the leſs weight and preſſure
              upon them, the Expanſion of that Air
              which makes them, can be the leſs reſiſted
              by the preſſure of the incumbent Water
              and Air; as ſeems probable from hence,
              that upon the letting in a little external
              Air, thoſe bubbles immediately ſhrink. </s>
            <p type="margin">
                < id="marg24"/>
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                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>It may indeed, as we lately intimated,
              be conjectur'd, that theſe bubbles pro­
              ceed not ſo much from any Air pre-exi­
              ſtent in the Water, and lurking in the
              Pores of it, as from the more ſubtle parts
              of the Water it ſelf; which by the expan­
              ſion allow'd them upon the diminiſh'd
              preſſure of the ambient Bodies may gene­
              rate ſuch bubbles. </s>
              <s>And indeed, I am not
              yet ſo well ſatisfied that bubbles may not
              (at leaſt ſometimes) have ſuch an Origina­
              tion: but that which makes me ſuſpect
              that thoſe in our tryals contain'd real Air
              formerly latitant in the Pores of the Wa­
              ter, is this, That upon the inletting of
              the external Air, the Water was not
              again impell'd to the very top of the
              Tube whence it began to fall, but was
              ſtopt in its aſcent near an Inch beneath
              the top. </s>
              <s>And ſince, if the upper part of
              the Tube had been devoyd of any other </s>