Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1upper part of the Tube, that having after­
wards let in the external Air, the Water
was not thereby impell'd to the top of the
Tube (three Foot in length) within a lit­
tle more then half an Inch.
And whe­
ther or no it were Air that poſſeſſ'd that
ſpace at the top of the Tube which was
not fill'd with Water, we took this courſe
to examine.
We drew the ſecond time
the Air out of the Receiver, and found,
that by reaſon of the body that poſſeſſ'd
the top of the Tube, we were able not
onely to make the Water in the Tube fall
to a level with the ſurface of the Water
in the Veſſel: But alſo (by plying the
Pump a little longer) a great way beneath
it: which ſince it could not well be aſcrib'd
to the bare ſubſiding of the Water by rea­
ſon of its own weight, argued that the Wa­
ter was depreſſ'd by the Air: which was
confirm'd by the Figure of the ſurface of
the Water in the Tube, which was much
more concave then that of Water in
Tubes of that bigneſs uſes to be.
this further tryal (to adde that upon
the by) we made at the ſame time, That
when the Water in the Pipe was drawn
down almoſt as low as the Water without
it, we obſerv'd, that (though we deſiſted

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