Musschenbroek, Petrus van, Physicae experimentales, et geometricae de magnete, tuborum capillarium vitreorumque speculorum attractione, magnitudine terrae, cohaerentia corporum firmorum dissertationes: ut et ephemerides meteorologicae ultraiectinae

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          <pb o="181" file="0195" n="195" rhead="DE MAGNETE."/>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          # # Latitudo. # # Meridiana # # Longitudo. # # Declinatio.
          Gr. # M. # # Diſtantia. # Gr. # M. # Grad. # M
          28 # 43 Mer. # 1 # 7 Occ. # 1 # 9 Or. # 5 # 53 Or.
          31 # 33 # 3 # 41 Or. # 3 # 56 # 4 # 10
          33 # 30 # 11 # 29 # 12 # 57 # 0 # 11 Occ.
          32 # 40 # 19 # 6 # 12 # 1 # 3 # 0 Occ.
          32 # 53 # 21 # 18 # 24 # 59 # 5 # 41
          32 # 30 # 25 # 33 # 30 # 0 # 7 # 47
          32 # 28 # 30 # 37 # 35 # 52 # 8 # 44
          31 # 22 # 31 # 40 # 37 # 7 # 10 # 57
          31 # 11 # 32 # 4 # 37 # 47 # 11 # 20
            <s xml:id="echoid-s4349" xml:space="preserve">Obſervationes factæ juxta littora Africæ A°. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s4350" xml:space="preserve">1721. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s4351" xml:space="preserve">deſcriptæ in
            iiſdem Actis.</s>
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          # # Latitudo. # # Longitudo. # # Variatio Acus.
          Gr. # M. # Gr. # M. # Grad. # Min.
          26 # 17 Mer. # 41 # 41 Or. # 14 # 30 Occ.
          19 # 41 Mer. # # # 12 # 22 Occ.
          17 # 4 Mer. # # # 14 # 29 Occ.
          13 # 56 Mer. # # # 14 # 48 Occ.
          10 # 57 Mer. # # # 13 # 11 Occ.
          8 # 19 Mer. # # # 15 # 14 Occ.
          5 # 0 Mer. # # in Cabenda Bay. # 14 # 33 Occ.
            <s xml:id="echoid-s4353" xml:space="preserve">A Cabenda uſque ad Londinum.</s>
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          3 # 25` Mer. # 11 # 43` Occ. # 11 # 32` Occ.
          3 # 30 Mer. # 21 # 24 Occ. # 1 # 5 Occ.
          0 # 30 Mer. # 30 # 46 Occ.
          10 # 50 Sept. # 39 # 16 Occ. # 1 # 1 Or.
          17 # 15 Sept. # 43 # 29 Occ. # 1 # 41 Or.