Cavalieri, Buonaventura, Geometria indivisibilibvs continvorvm : noua quadam ratione promota

Table of contents

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[11.] Ad Librum Geometriæ.
[12.] DeLibro Geometriæ.
[13.] De Libro Geometriæ.
[14.] Ad Autorem Libri Geometriæ.
[15.] CAVALERII LIBER PRIMVS. In quo præcipuè de ſectionibus Cylindricorum, & Conicorum, nec non ſimilibus figuris quædam element aria præmittuntur; ac aliquæ Pro-poſitiones lemmaticæ pro ſequen-tibus Libris oſtenduntur. DIFINITIONES. A. I.
[16.] B.
[17.] C.
[18.] A. II.
[19.] B.
[20.] C.
[21.] D.
[22.] E.
[24.] III.
[25.] A. IV.
[27.] B.
[28.] V.
[29.] VI.
[30.] VII.
[31.] VIII.
[32.] IX.
[34.] A. X.
[35.] B.
[36.] C.
[37.] D. IV.
[38.] E.
[39.] APPENDIX PRIOR Pro explicatione Definit. 10. antecedentis.
[40.] A. XI.
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