Harriot, Thomas, Mss. 6783
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    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="eng" type="free">
        <div type="section" level="1" n="1">
          <pb file="add_6783_f001v" o="1v" n="2"/>
          <div type="page_commentary" level="0" n="0">
              <s xml:space="preserve">[
                <emph style="bf">Commentary:</emph>
              <s xml:space="preserve"> The examples of addition are continued from those on the first page (Add MS
                <ref target="http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/permanent/library/VWXURW4V&start=0&viewMode=image&pn=1"> f. </ref>
              The examples are followed by some notes on plane, solid, and plano-plane numbers; Harriot's notation from the earlier working has been inserted into the translation at the relevant places.</s>
              <s xml:space="preserve">]</s>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve">
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Si duo numeri sint similes plani; factus ex illis est quadratus,
            cuius radix est medium proportionalis, inter
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            If two numbers [bcdd, bcff] are similar planes, their product is a square whose root [bcdf] is the mean proportional between the given numbers. </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Si similes plani dividantur per maximum communem divisor,
            quoti sunt
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            If similar plane numbers [bcdd, bcff] are divided by their greatest common divisor, the quotients are squares.</s>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Si duo numeri sint similes solidi; factus e quadrato unius per alterum,
            est cubus; cuius radix est una medium
              <emph style="st">videlicet</emph>
              <emph style="super">inter datos</emph>
            et proxima ad illum numerum qui factus fuit
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            If two numbers [bcdfff, bcdggg] are similar solids, the product of the square of one with the other is a cube, whose root [bcdffg] is one mean proportional beteen the two given numbers, and nearest to that number that was made a square. </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Si similes solidi dividantur per maximum communem divisor,
            quoti sunt
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            If similar solid numbers [bcdfff, bcdggg] are divided by their greatest common divisor, the quotients are cubes.</s>
          <p xml:lang="lat">
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Si duo numeri sint similes planoplani; factus e cubo primi
            per secundum est primum quadrato-quadratum cuius radix est primum
            medium proportionalis, inter
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            If two numbers are similar plano-planes [bcdfgggg, bcdfhhhh], the product of the cube of the first with the second is a square-square, whose side [bcdfgggh] is the first mean proportional between the given ]</s>
            <s xml:space="preserve"> Si similes plano-plani dividantur per maximum communem divisor,
            quoti sunt
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            If similar plano-plane numbers [bcdfgggg, bcdfhhhh] are divided by their greatest commmon divisor, the quotients are square-squares.</s>