Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1For if you take a good Æolipile, with a
moderately ſtrong and ſlender Neck, and
filling it with Water, lay it upon quick
Coals, you may after a while obſerve ſo
great a preſſure by ſome of the parts con­
tain'd in the Æolipile upon others, that
the Water will ſometimes be thrown up
into the Air above three or four Foot
high; and if you then take the Æolipile
almoſt red hot from off the Fire, you may
perceive that the Water will for a longer
time then one would eaſily imagine con­
tinue to be ſpouted out in a violent
And if there remains but little
Water in the Æolipile when tis taken ve­
ry hot from the Fire, immerfing the
Neck of it into cold Water, you will
finde, that after it begins to ſuck in ſome
Water, there will be made from time to
time ſtore of large bubbles in that Water
where into the neck was plunged.
bubbles ſeem manifeſtly to proceed from
hence, that for a while the heat in the Æ­
olipile continues ſtrong enough to rarifie
part of the Water that is ſuck'd in, and
expel it in the form of Vapors through
the Water incumbent on the Pipe.
If al­
ſo when the Æolipile is almoſt full of wa­
ter, and therefore can contain but little

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