Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1Air; you hold a Coal or Brand in that
ſtream of Vapors that iſſues out of the
narrow mouth of it, you will finde this
vapid or rorid Air, (if I may ſo call it)
to blow the Fire very ſtrongly and with a
roaring noiſe.
And that it be not ſaid
that 'tis by the external Air which the a­
queous ſteams drive before them, and
not by the Steams themſelves, that the
Blaſt is made and the Flame excited; it
has been obſerv'd, that by approaching
the Coal or Brand almoſt to the mouth
of the Æolipile, the winde appear'd more
vehement then if the Body to be kindled
were held ſome Inches off.
But in regard the elaſtical power of the
Stream, iſſuing out of an Æolipile, ſeems
manifeſtly due to the heat that expands
and agitates the aqueous Particles where­
of that Stream conſiſts, and that ſuch
rapid winds ſeem to be but water ſcatter'd
into little parts and ſet a moving; ſince
we finde, that holding a Knife, or any
ſolid, ſmooth and cloſe Body againſt the
ſtream that iſſues out of the Æolipile, the
vapors condenſing upon it, will preſently
cover it with water: It will be very per­
tinent to ſubjoyn a notable Experiment
that I remember I have met with in the

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