Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

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202100An ESSAY
Draw the Line e c, equal to the Length of
11Fig. 68. the Style of the Horizontal Dial;
and, at its
two Extremities raiſe the Perpendiculars e o
and c p:
Then draw the Line c G, thro’ the
Point c, equal in Length to the Style of the
Dial to be drawn;
making an Angle with c e,
equal to the Inclination of the Dial-Plane.
ter which, draw the Line o G p, thro’ the Ex-
tremity G of the ſaid Line, perpendicular there-
This Preparation being finiſh’d, we uſe the
Operations of the precedent Problem, in making
E O and C P, in the Horizontal Dial, equal to
e o and c p of this Figure;
and o p, in the Dial
to be drawn, equal to op of this Figure;
which, the Point G is the Foot of the Style.
If it happens, in the aforeſaid Preparation,
22Fig. 69. that the Line p o cuts the Line e c;
E O muſt
not then be aſſum’d in the ſame Line, in the
Horizontal Dial, as otherwiſe it muſt have
but, in that Line, continued on the other
ſide of the Foot of the Style.
The Demonſtration of this Problem, is the
ſame as that of the precedent one;
in conſider-
ing the Angle p o Q, equal to the Angle G c e,
which is equal to the Inclination of the Plane.
We might have further ſhewn the Uſe of
Perſpective, in facilitating the Operations of
But this would be deviating from our
and ſo we ſhall content our ſelves with
this Short Eſſay, touching the moſt common and
uſeful Problem in Dialling.

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