Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1ſicciſsimam conſiſtentiam acquireret, ordina­
vimus canalem plumbeum QR in helicem
contortum vaſi S aliquantulum capaciori in
modum Urnæ efformato, inſertum.
urnam enim plumbeam & canalem tortuo­
ſum illiſus aer humidus, it a ab omni aquoſi­
tate defæcabatur, ut ex furno in Organum
derivatus dici potuerit.
Urna S canalis
tortuoſus QR ultimum orificium Q inſe­
ritur anemothecæ organi.
Et hunc modum
organis hydraulicis omnium aptiſsimum reperi.
See the fif­
teenth Fi­
Debet autem cameræ illa ſituari in loco
quantum fieri poteſt ſicciori it a ut longo ca­
nali aqua intr a eam derivetur ne locus hu­
miditate ſua Organis officiat.
Thus far the Ingenious Kircherus, whom
I the rather cite, becauſe although I have
been informed of divers Ventiducts (as
they call them) by very knowing Tra­
vellers that have obſerv'd them: Yet this
relation of our Author being very pun­
ctual, and deliver'd upon his own particu­
lar Experience, has, I confeſs, made me
wiſh I had had the good fortune when I
was at Rome, to take notice of theſe Or­
gans; or that I had now the opportunity
of examining of ſuch an Experiment.
For if upon a ſtrict inquiry I ſhould find
that the breath that blows the Organs

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