Clavius, Christoph, In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius

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          <pb o="167" file="203" n="204" rhead="Ioan. de Sacro Boſco."/>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">Libra
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          ## FORMÆ STELLARVM ## Longit. ### Latit. ### Magni- \\ tudo.
          # # G. # M. # # G. # M.
          5 # Media earum, quę & dupla # 171 # 30 # 8 # 20 # 5 # Auſt.
          6 # Sequens ex tribus # 173 # 20 # 7 # 50 # 6 # Auſt.
          ########## Omnes ſtellę 6. Quintę magnit. 4. Sextæ 2.
          ########## LIBRA. Conſtellatio XXVIII.
          1 # In extrema Auſtrina Chele duarum lucẽs # 191 # 20 # 0 # 40 # 2 # Bor. 2 # Cbſcurior in Borea m # 190 # 20 # 2 # 20 # 5 # Bor. 3 # In extrema Borea C hele duarum lucens # 195 # 30 # 8 # 30 # 2 # Bor. 4 # Obſcurior præcedens hanc # 191 # 0 # 8 # 30 # 5 # Bor. 5 # In medio Cheles Auſtriuę # 197 # 20 # 1 # 40 # 4 # Bor. 6 # In eadem, quę pręit # 194 # 50 # 1 # 15 # 4 # Bor. 7 # In media Chela Borea # 200 # 50 # 3 # 45 # 4 # Bor. 8 # In eadem, quæ ſequitur # 206 # 0 # 4 # 30 # 4 # Bor. ########## Omnes ſtellę 8. Secundæ magnit. 2. Quartę 4. Quintæ 2. ########## INFORMES CIRCA LIBRAM. 1 # In boream à Chele Borea trium pręcedens # 199 # 30 # 9 # 0 # 5 # Bor. 2 # Sequentium duarum Auſtralis # 207 # 0 # 6 # 40 # 4 # Bor. 3 # Borea ipſatum # 207 # 40 # 9 # 15 # 4 # Bor. 4 # Inter Chelas ex tribus, quæ ſequitur # 205 # 50 # 5 # 30 # 6 # Bor. 5 # Reliquarum duarum pręcedentium Borea # 203 # 40 # 2 # 0 # 4 # Bor. 6 # Quæ Auſtralis # 204 # 30 # 1 # 30 # 5 # Bor. 7 # Sub Auſtrina Chele trium pręceden # 196 # 20 # 7 # 30 # 3 # Bor. 8 # Reliquarum ſequentium duarum Borea # 204 # 30 # 8 # 10 # 4 # Auſt. 9 # Auſtralis # 205 # 10 # 9 # 40 # 4 # Auſt. ########## Omnes ſtellæ 9. Tertię magnit. 1. quartæ 5. Quintę 2. Sextæ 1.</note>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">Scorpius.</note>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve"> ########## SCORPIVS. Conſtellatio XXIX. 1 # In fronte lucentium trium Borea # 209 # 40 # 1 # 20 # 3 # Bor. 2 # Media # 209 # 0 # 1 # 40 # 3 # Auſt. 3 # Auſtralis trium # 209 # 0 # 5 # 0 # 3 # Auſt. 4 # Quæ magis ad auſtrum, & in pede # 209 # 20 # 7 # 50 # 3 # Bor. 5 # Duarum coniunctarum fulgens Borea # 210 # 20 # 1 # 40 # 4 # Bor. 6 # Auſtralis # 210 # 40 # 0 # 30 # 4 # Auſt. 7 # In corpore trium lucidarum præcedens # 214 # 0 # 3 # 40 # 3 # Auſt. 8 # Media Rutilans. Antares uocata. Cor ♍. # 216 # 0 # 4 # 0 # 2 # Auſt. 9 # Sequens trium # 217 # 50 # 5 # 30 # 3 # Auſt. 10 # In ultimo acetabulo duarum præcedens # 212 # 40 # 6 # 10 # 5 # Auſt. 11 # Sequens # 213 # 50 # 6 # 40 # 5 # Auſt. 12 # In primo corporis ſpondylo # 221 # 50 # 11 # 0 # 3 # Auſt. 13 # In ſecundo ſpondylo # 222 # 10 # 15 # 0 # 4 # Auſt. 14 # In tertio duplicis Auſtrina # 223 # 20 # 18 # 40 # 4 # Auſt. # * 15 # Borea duplicis # 223 # 30 # 18 # 0 # 3 # Auſt. # * 16 # In quarto ſpondylo # 226 # 30 # 19 # 30 # 3 # </note>