Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1we obſerv'd, that the newly generated
ſteams did not onely poſſeſs almoſt all the
whole cavity of the Glaſs, but divers
times without the aſſiſtance of the heat of
my hand, broke away in large bubbles
through the ambient Liquor into the o­
pen Air: So that theſe Experiments
with corroſive Liquors, ſeem'd manifeſt­
ly enough to prove, though not that Air
may be generated out of the Water, yet
that in general air may be generated anew.
Laſtly, to the foregoing Arguments
from Experience we might eaſily ſubjoyn
the Authority of Ariſtotle, and of (his
followers) the Schools who are known to
have taught, that Air and Water being
Symbolizing Elements (in the quality of
moiſture) are eaſily tranſmutable into one
But we ſhall rather to the fore­
going Argument adde this, drawn from
Reaſon, That if, as Leucippus, Democri­
tus, Epieurus and others, follow'd by
divers modern Naturaliſts, have taught,
the difference of Bodies proceeds but
from the various Magnitudes, Figures,
Motions, and Textures of the ſmall
parts they conſiſt of, (all the quali­
ties that make them differ, being de­
ducible from thence) there appeares

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