Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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Right Honourable
Baron of Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban.
FRANCIS BACON the Glory, of his
Age and Nation;
The Adorner, and Orna-
ment of Learning;
Was born in York-houſe
or York-Place, in the Strand, On the 22th,
Day of January;
in the Year of our Lord, 1560.
His Father was that famous Councellor to Queen Elizabeth;
The ſecond Prop of the Kingdom in his Time, Sir Nicholas
Bacon, Knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Eng-
a Lord of known Prudence, Sufficiency, Moderation,
and Integrity.
His Mother was Ann, one of the Daugh-
ters of Sir Anthony Cook;
unto whom the Erudition, of
King Edward the Sixth;
had been committed: A choyce
Lady, and Eminent for Piety, Vertue, and Learning;
exquiſitely skilled, for a Woman, in the Greek, and Latine,
Theſe being the Parents, you may eaſily

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