Clavius, Christoph, In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius

Table of figures

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          <pb o="175" file="211" n="212" rhead="Ioan. de Sacro Boſco."/>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">Canis @@-
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">
          ## FORMÆ STELLARVM ## Longit. ### Latit. ### Mani- \\ tudo
          # # # G. # M. # G. # M.
          ######## CANIS MAIOR. Conſtellatio XXXVIII.
          1 # In ore ſplẽdidiſſima vocata Canis, Cãdens # 71 # 0 # # 39 # 10 # 1 2 # In auribus # 73 # 0 # # 35 # 0 # # 4 3 # In capite # 74 # 40 # 36 # 30 # 5 4 # In collo duarum Borea # 76 # 40 # 37 # 45 # 4 5 # Auſtralis # 78 # 40 # 40 # 0 # # 4 6 # In pectore # 73 # 50 # 42 # 30 # 5 7 # In genu dextro duarum Borea # 69 # 30 # 41 # 15 # 5 8 # Auſtralis # 69 # 20 # 42 # 30 # 5 9 # In extremo prioris pedis # 64 # 20 # 41 # 20 # 3 10 # In genu ſiniſtro duarum præcedens # 68 # 0 # # 46 # 30 # 5 11 # Sequens # 69 # 30 # 45 # 50 # 5 12 # In humero ſiniſtro duarum ſequens # 78 # 0 # # 46 # 0 # # 4 13 # Quæ præit # 75 # 0 # # 47 # 0 # # 5 14 # In eductione femoris ſiniſtri # 80 # 0 # # 48 # 45 # 3 15 # Sub aluo inter femora # 77 # 0 # # 51 # 20 # 3 # * 16 # In poplite cruris dextri # 76 # 20 # 55 # 10 # 4 # * 17 # In extremo ipſius pedis # 63 # 0 # # 53 # 45 # 3 18 # In extrema cauda # 85 # 30 # 50 # 30 # 3 ######## Omnes ſtellæ 18. Primæ magnit. 1. Tertiæ 5. Quartæ 5. Quintæ 7. ######## INFORMES CIRCACANEM. 1 # A Septentrione ad verticem canis # 72 # 50 # 25 # 15 # 4 # * 2 # Sub poſteriorib. pedibus ad rectam lineam # 63 # 20 # 61 # 30 # 4 3 # Quæ in magis Boream (Auſtralis # 64 # 40 # 58 # 45 # 4 4 # Quæ etiam hac ſeptentrionalior # 66 # 20 # 57 # 0 # # 4 5 # Reſidua ipſarum quatuor maxime Borea # 67 # 30 # 56 # 0 # # 4 6 # Ad occaſum quaſi ad rectam lineam trium # 50 # 20 # 55 # 30 # 4 7 # Media (pręcedens # 53 # 40 # 57 # 40 # 4 8 # Sequens trium # 55 # 40 # 59 # 30 # 4 9 # Sub his duarum lucidarum ſequens # 52 # 20 # 59 # 40 # 2 10 # Antecedens # 49 # 20 # 57 # 40 # 2 11 # Reliqua Auſtralior ſupra dictis # 45 # 30 # 59 # 30 # 4 ####### Omnes ſtellæ 11. Secundæ magnit. 2. Quartæ 9.</note>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">Canis @@-
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">####### PROCYON, SIVE CANIS MINOR, QVIET ####### Antecanis. Conſtellatio XXXIX. 1 # In ceruice # 78 # 20 # 14 # 0 # # 4 2 # In femore fulgens Procyon, ſeu canis # 82 # 30 # 16 # 10 # 1 ####### Omnes ſtellæ 2. Primæ magnit. 1. Quartæ 1.</note>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve">Nauis.</note>
          <note position="right" xml:space="preserve"> ####### ARGVS, SIVE NAVIS. Conſtellatio XL. 1 # In extrema naue duarum præcedens # 93 # 40 # 42 # 40 # 5 2 # Sequens # 97 # 40 # 43 # 20 # </note>