Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1bubble with a very ſmall Neck (not ex­
ceeding the ſixth part of an Inch in Dia­
meter) which we fill'd half way to the
top, and then convey'd it into the Recei­
ver; the iſſue was, That though we drew
out more then ordinary, yet there ap­
pear'd not the leaſt intumeſcence of the
Water, nor any aſcending bubbles.
But ſuſpecting that either the ſmall
quantity of the water or the Figure of the
Veſſel might have an intereſt in this odde
Phænomenon, we took the lately mention'd
Philoſophical Egge, and another not
much differing from it; the former we
fill'd up with diſtill'd Rain-water to the
old mark, and into the latter we put a
long Cylinder or Rod of ſolid Glaſs to
ſtreighten the cavity of the Neck by al­
moſt filling it up; and then pouring ſome
diſtilled Water into that alſo, till it
reach'd within ſome Fingers breadth of
the top, the Eggs were let down into the
In this Experiment the Air
was ſo far drawn forth before there ap­
pear'd any bubble in either of the Glaſſes,
that the diſparity betwixt this and com­
mon water was manifeſt enough.
But at
length, when the Air was almoſt quite
pump'd out, the bubbles began to diſ-

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