Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1content to ſet down thoſe already men­
tion'd, that it might appear how requi­
ſite it is in nice Experiments to conſider
variety of Circumſtances.
AFter having thus diſcover'd what ope­

ration the exſuction of the ambient
Air had upon Water, we thought good
to try alſo what changes would happen in
other Liquors upon the like taking off the
preſſure of the external Air.
We took
then a Glaſs Egge, ſomewhat bigger then
a Turkey Egge, which had a long Neck
or Stem of about a 1/3 part of an Inch in
Diameter; and filling it up with Sallet
Oyl until it reach'd above half way to the
top of the Neck, we incloſ'd it in the Re­
ceiver together with common Water in
a reſembling Veſſel, that we might the
better compare together the operation of
the exſuction of the Air upon thoſe two
The Pump being ſet a work there
began to appear bubbles in the Oyl much
ſooner then in the Water, and afterwards
they alſo aſcended much more copiouſly
in the former Liquor then the latter: Nay,
and when by having quite tired the Pum­
per, and almoſt our own patience, we

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