Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries
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222The Life of the Right Honorable what the Iſſue, was like to be; Having had whatſoever Na-
ture or Breeding could put into him.
1515[Handwritten note 15]
His first and childiſh years were not without ſome Mark of
At which time he was indued with that Pregnancy,
and Towardlineſs, of wit;
As they were Preſages, of that
Deep, and Univerſal Apprehenſion, which was manifeſt in
him, afterward:
And cauſed him to be taken notice of, by ſeve-
ral Perſons, of Worth and Place;
And eſpecially, by the
who (as I have been informed) delighted much, then,
to confer with him;
And to prove him with Queſtions; un-
to whom, he delivered Himſelf, with that Gravity, and Matu-
1616[Handwritten note 16] rity, above his years;
That Her Majeſty would oſten term
him, The young Lord Keeper.
Being asked by the Queen,
how old he was?
He anſwered with much diſcretion, being
then but a Boy;
That he was two years younger than her
Majeſties happy Reign;
with which anſwer the Queen was
much taken.
At the ordinary years, of Ripeneſs, for the Univerſity; or
rather, ſomething earlier;
he was ſent by his Father, to Tri-
nity College, in Cambridge;
To be educated, and bred un-
der the Tuition of Doctor John White-Gift, then Maſter
of the Colledge;
Afterwards the renowned Arch Biſhop of
a Prelate of the firſt Magnitude of Sanctity,
Learning Patience, and Humility;
Under whom, He was ob-
ſerved, to have been more, than an Ordinary Proficient, in
the ſeveral Arts and Sciences.
Whilſt he was commorant, in
the Vniverſity, about 16 years of age, (as his Lordſhip hath
been pleaſed to impart unto my ſelf;)
be firſt fell into
the Diſlike, of the Philoſophy of Ariſtotle.
Not for the
Worthleſſeneſs of the Author, to whom he would eyer aſcribe
all High Attributes;
But for the Vnfruitfulneſs, of the way;
Being a Philoſophy, (as his Lordſhip uſed to ſay) only
ſtrong, for Diſputations, and Contentions;
But Barren, of
the production of Works, for the Benefit of the Life of Man.

In which Mind be continued to his Dying Day.
After he had paſſed, the Circle of the Liberal Arts. His
Father thought fit, to frame, and mould him for the Arts of
and, for that end, ſent him over into France,

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