Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1ing (probably by reaſon of the numerous
bubbles wont to be obſervable in Ice) the
outward parts of the Egge, that it uſually
crack'd the ſhell, though the inner Mem­
brane that involv'd the ſeveral Liquors
of the Egge, becauſe it would ſtretch
and yield, remain d unbroken, And here­
upon we imagin'd that in our Engine it
might appear whether or no there were
any conſiderable Spring, either in any of
the Liquors, or in any other more ſpiri­
tuous ſubſtance included in the Egge.
We took alſo ſome Spirit of Urine,
careleſly enough deflegmed, and put it in­
to the ſame Glaſs (firſt carefully ſcowr'd
and cleanſ'd) wherein we had put the Oyl­
olive above mention'd: We took alſo an­
other Glaſs, differing from a Glaſs Egge,
onely in that its bottom was ſlat, and fill'd
it up to about 2/3 of the Neck (which was
wider then that of the Egge) with rectifi­
ed Spirit of Wine.
We took alſo another Glaſs Egge, and
having fill'd it with common Water till it
reach'd to the middle of the Neck, we
pour'd to it of the ſame Spirit of Wine,
till it reach'd about an Inch higher.
Theſe three Glaſſes having marks ſet
on them, over againſt the edges of the

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