Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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            <p type="main">
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              contain'd Liquors were put into the Re­
              ceiver, and that beginning to be evacua­
              ted, the bubbles in all the three Liquors
              began to appear. </s>
              <s>The mixture of the
              Spirit of Wine and Water diſcloſ'd a
              great ſtore of bubbles, eſpecially towards
              the top; but ſcarce afforded us any thing
              worth remem bring. </s>
              <s>The Spirit of Urine
              appear'd to ſwell near an Inch and an half
              above the mark; and beſides that, ſent
              forth ſtore of bubbles, which made a
              kinde of froth at the upper part of it. </s>
              above that ſpume there appear'd eight or
              ten great bubbles one above another, in a
              very decent order, each of them conſtitu­
              ting, as it were, a Cylinder of about half
              an Inch high, and as broad as the internal
              cavity of the Neck: So that all the upper
              part of the Neck (for theſe bubbles reach'd
              to the top) ſeem'd to be divided into al­
              moſt equal parts, by certain Diaphrag­
              mes, conſiſting of the coats of the bub­
              bles, whoſe edges appear'd like ſo many
              Rings ſuſpended one above another. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>In the Spirit of Wine there did ariſe a
              great multitude of bubbles, even till
              wearineſs did make us give over the Ex­
              periment. </s>
              <s>And in theſe bubbles two or
              three things were remarkable; as firſt, </s>