Harriot, Thomas, Mss. 6782

List of thumbnails

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              <s xml:space="preserve">[
                <emph style="bf">Commentary:</emph>
              <s xml:space="preserve"> At the top of the page are two difference tables. In each case column headed
              may be taken as the starting column. Column
              contains successive differences between entries in column
              , and so on. As elsewhere, a triangle broadening downwards thus, Δ, indicates an increasing column. A small square is used to indicate columns of equal entries.
              The central table shows a difference table generated from a constant differenc
              . Now the lower case letters
              represent the first entry of each column (the letter
              , which for Harriot represented an un unknown quantity, is omitted). Harriot has drawn a diagonal line under the table generated from a single entry in the constant difference column. Two small inset charts to the right of the main table show the pattern of increasing and decreasing rows (here they are all increasing) and the pattern of signs in each column (here they are all
              The lower table contains general formulae for the
                    <mo maxsize="1">(</mo>
                    <mo maxsize="1">)</mo>
              th entry in each column of the difference table, using the triangular number coefficients established on page 3 (Add MS 6782
                <ref target="http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/permanent/library/HSPGZ0AE&start=210&viewMode=image&pn=219"> f. </ref>
              ). </s>
              <s xml:space="preserve">]</s>
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