Monantheuil, Henri de, Aristotelis Mechanica, 1599

Table of figures

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              <p type="main">
                <s id="id.002777">
                  <pb xlink:href="035/01/226.jpg" pagenum="186"/>
                  <emph type="italics"/>
                ſufficiet, ſufficiet &
                  <emph.end type="italics"/>
                  <figure id="id." xlink:href="035/01/226/1.jpg" number="85"/>
                  <emph type="italics"/>
                ferendæ, inque ſuſti­
                nenda tantum labo­
                rat: in inclinata ex­
                tremum eſt hypomoch­
                lium, à quo non longè
                abeſt vis mouens: pon­
                dus verò quod eſt reli­
                qua pars, ab hoc extre­
                mo alterum extremum
                quantò longius: tantò
                maiorem rationem ad
                vim mouentem habe­
                bit, & ſic difficilius
                  <emph.end type="italics"/>
              <p type="main">
                <s id="id.002778">
                  <foreign lang="el">*dia\ ti/ li/an makro\n ba/ros
                  xalepw/teron fe/rein e)pi\ tou=
                  w)/mou, h)\ e)/latton.</foreign>
              <p type="main">
                <s id="id.002779">28. Cur humero difficilius
                fertur valdè
                  <expan abbr="lõgum">longum</expan>
                dus: quam breue. </s>
              <p type="main">
                <s id="id.002780">
                  <foreign lang="el">*dia\ ti/, e)a\n h)=| li/an makro\n to\ au)to\ ba/ros, xalepw/teron
                  fe/rein e)pi\ tou= w)/mou, ka)\n me/son fe/rh| tis, h)\ e)a\n
                  e)/latton h)=|; </foreign>
                <s id="g0132702">
                  <foreign lang="el">pa/lai e)le/xqh w(s ou)k e)/stin ai)/tion h( sa/leusis:
                  a)ll' h( sa/leusis nu=n ai)/tio/n e)stin.</foreign>
                <s id="g0132703">
                  <foreign lang="el">o(/tan ga\r h)=| makro/teron,
                  ta\ a)/kra saleu/etai, w(/ste ei)/h a)\n kai\ to\n fe/ronta xalepw/teron
                  fe/rein ma=llon.</foreign>
                <s id="g0132704">
                  <foreign lang="el">ai)/tion de\ tou= saleu/esqai ma=llon,
                  o(/ti th=s au)th=s kinh/sews ou)/shs meqi/statai ta\ a)/kra, o(/sw|per
                  a)\n h)=| makro/teron to\ cu/lon.</foreign>
                <s id="g0132705">
                  <foreign lang="el">o( me\n ga\r w)=mos ke/ntron, e)f'
                  ou(= to\ *a [1me/nei ga\r tou=to]1, ai( de\ *a*b kai\ *a*g ai( e)k tou=
                  ke/ntrou. o(/sw| d' a)\n h)=| mei=zon to\ e)k tou= ke/ntrou h)\ to\ *a*b
                  h)\ kai\ to\ *a*g, ple/on meqi/statai me/geqos. de/deiktai de\
                  tou=to pro/teron.</foreign>
              <p type="main">
                <s id="id.002781">Cur ſi fuerit pondus
                  <expan abbr="idẽ">idem</expan>
                valdè longum humero dif­
                ficilius fertur,
                  <expan abbr="etiã">etiam</expan>
                vt quis è
                medio ferat, quam ſi fuerit
                breue. </s>
                <s id="id.002782">Huius quod antea
                dictum eſt, cauſa
                  <expan abbr="">non</expan>
                eſt: ſed
                agitatio cauſa eſt. </s>
                <s id="id.002783">Quum
                enim longius fuerit extre­
                ma agitantur. </s>
                <s id="id.002784">Ideo contin­
                git ferentem multò diffici­
                lius ferre. </s>
                <s id="id.002785">Maioris vero agi­
                tationis cauſa eſt, quod in
                  <expan abbr="eadẽ">eadem</expan>
                motione extrema
                  <expan abbr="trãſ">tranſ</expan>
                  <expan abbr="ferũtur">feruntur</expan>
                  <expan abbr="quãtò">quantò</expan>
                  <expan abbr="lignũ">lignum</expan>
                fuerit longius. </s>
                <s id="id.002786">Etenim hu­</s>