Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of Notes

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The Interſection V H of this Plane, and the Per-
11Def. 11. ſpective Plane, is the Vertical Line.
And S H I, the Interſection of it, and the Geo-
22Def. 12. metrical Plane, is the Station Line.
Points of Diſtance, are two Points in the Hori-
33Def. 13. zontal Line, each way diſtant from the Point of Sight
by the length of the principal Ray;
as MN.
The Geometrical Line, is a Line, that paſſes
44Def. 14. through the Station Point, and is parallel to the baſe
Line, as A B.
The Seat of an Object, is the Concurrence of Per-
55Def. 15. pendiculars let fall from every of its Points upon the
Geometrical Plane, and the ſaid Plane.
The Direction of a Line inclined to the Geometri-
66Def. 16. cal Plane, is the Interſection of the ſaid Plane, and
another Plane perpendicular thereto, paſſing through
the ſaid inclined Line.
The Theory of Perſpective.
3. THE Perſpective, or Appearance of a
Right Line, as A B, which being con-
tinued, does not paſsthrough the Eye O, is like-
77Fig. 3. wiſe a right Line:
For the Rays, by which the
Line A B is perceived, form a Plane cutting
the perſpective Plane;
and the common Section
of theſe two Planes is a right Line, as a b.

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