Archimedes, Natation of bodies, 1662
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              HIS TRACT
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              Of the NATATION of BODIES Upon, or
              Submerſion In the WATER, or other LIQUIDS.</s>
            <p type="head">
                <emph type="italics"/>
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            <p type="head">
              <s>PROP. I. THEOR. I.</s>
            <p type="main">
                <emph type="italics"/>
              If any Magnitude lighter than the Liquid be demitted
              into the ſaid Liquid, it ſhall have the ſame proporti­
              on in Gravity to a Liquid of equal Maſſe, that the
              part of the Magnitude demerged hath unto the
              whole Magnitude.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>For let any Solid Magnitude, as for in­
              ſtance F A, lighter than the Liquid, be de­
              merged in the Liquid, which let be F A:
              And let the part thereof immerged be A,
              and the part above the Liquid F, It is to
              be demonſtrated that the Magnitude F A
              hath the ſame proportion in Gravity to a
              Liquid of Equall Maſſe that A hath to F
              A. </s>
              <s>Take any Liquid Magnitude, as ſup­
              poſe N I, of equall Maſſe with F A; and let F be equall to N, and
              A to I: and let the Gravity of the whole Magnitude F A be B, and
              let that of the Magnitude N I be O,
              and let that of I be R. </s>
              <s>Now the
                <figure id="id." xlink:href="073/01/024/1.jpg" number="19"/>
              Magnitude F A hath the ſame pro­
              portion unto N I that the Gravity B
              hath to the Gravity O R: But for
              aſmuch as the Magnitude F A demit­
              ted into the Liquid is lighter than
              the ſaid Liquid, it is manifeſt that a Maſſe of the Liquid, I, equall
              to the part of the Magnitude demerged, A, hath equall Gravity
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              with the whole Magnitnde, F A: For this was
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              above demon­
              ſtrated: But B is the Gravity of the Magnitude F A, and R of I: </s>