Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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244The Life of the Right Honorable that elegant Pile, or Structure, commonly known by the Name
of the Lord Bacons Lodgings;
which he Inhabited by Turns,
the moſt part of his Life, (ſome few years onely excepted,)
unto bis Dying Day.
In which Houſe he carried himſelf,
with ſuch Sweetneſs, Comity, and Generoſity;
That he was
much revered, and beloved, by the Readers and Gentlemen
of the Houſe.
Not withſtanding, that he profeſſed the Law for his Lively-
hood, and Subſiſtence;
yet his Heart and Affection was more
carried after the Affairs and Places of Eſtate;
for which, if
the Majeſty Royal then, had been pleaſed, he was most fit.
his younger years, he ſtudied the Service, and Fortunes, (as
they call them,) of that Noble, but unſortunate Earl, the
Earl of Eſſex;
unto whom be was, in a ſort, a Private and free
Counſeller, and gave him Safe and Honour able Advice, till,
in the end, the Earl inclined too much, to the violent and preci-
tate Counſell of others, his Adherents, and Followers, which
was his Fate and Ruine.
His Birth and other Capacities qualified him, above o-
thers of his Profeſſion, to have ordinary acceſſes at Court;
and to come freqnently into the Queens Eye; who would of-
ten grace him with private and free Communication;

Not onely about Matters of his Profeſſion, or Buſineſs in
But alſo, about the arduous Affairs of Eſtate; From
whomſhe received, from time to time, great Satisfaction.
vertheleſs though ſhe cheered him much, with the Bounty of
her Countenance;
yet ſhe never cheered him with the
Bounty of her Hand:
Having never conferred upon him, a-
ny Ordinary Place or Means of Honour or Profit, Save
onely one dry Reverſion of the Regiſters Office, in the Star-
worth about 1600 @ per Annum; For which he
waited in Expectation, either fully or near twenty years;
which his Lordſhip would ſay, in Queen Elizabeths Time;

That it was like another mans Ground, buttalling upon
his Houſe;
which might mend his Proſpect, but it did
not fill his Barn.
(Nevertheleſs in the time of King James,
it fellunto him, which might be imputed;
not ſo much to
her Majeſties averſeneſs and Diſaffection, towards him;

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