Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1ther things, invited us to conſider, whether
in the above-mention'd Experiment made
with the Bell and the Load-ſtone, there
might not in the deſerted part of the Tube
remain Air enough to produce a ſound:
ſince the Tubes for the Experiment De
Vacuo (not to mention the uſual thin­
neſs of the Glaſs) being ſeldom made
greater then is requiſite, a little Air might
bear a not inconſiderable proportion to
the deſerted ſpace.
And that alſo, in the
Experiment De Vacuo, as it is wont to be
made, there is generally ſome little Air
that gets in from without, or at leaſt ſtore
of bubbles that ariſe from the Body of
the Quick-ſilver, or other Liquor it ſelf,
Obſervations heedfully made have fre­
quently informed us: And it may alſo
appear, by what has been formerly deli­
vered concerning the Torricellian Experi­
ment 27.
On the occaſion of this Experiment
concerning ſounds, we may adde in this
place, That when we try'd the Experiment
formerly mention'd, of firing Gun-pow­
der with a Piſtol in our evacuated Recei­
ver, the noiſe made by the ſtriking of the
Flint againſt the Steel, was exceeding
languid in compariſon of what it would

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