Barrow, Isaac, Lectiones opticae & geometricae : in quibus phaenomenon opticorum genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur: et generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur

Table of Notes

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24249 + _xy_ - {_mxx_/_b_} = _o_. ergò PN x MG = {_m_3/_b_} = MD x ZQ.
vel PN. ZQ: : (MD. MG: :) QD. ZP. Quapropter eſt
11Fig. 44. PN x ZP = ZQ x QD.
Unde palàm eſt curvam DNN eſſe hy-
perbolam, cujus aſymptoti ZM, ZT.
XI. Notetur; ſi æquatio ſit _my_ - _xy_ = {_m_/_b_}_xx_; eadem ha-
bebitur _hyperbola_;
tunc ſolùm puncta G ad partes DM ſumuntur.
Quin & fi æquatio ſit _xy_ - _my_ = {_m_/_b_} _xx_; puncta G ultra M
capiendo, proveniet _hyperbola_, huic ipſi _conjugata_.
XII. Sit Triangulum BDF; & linea DNN talis, ut ductâ ut-
22Fig. 45. cunque RN ad BD parallelâ (quæ lineas BF, DF, DNN ſecet
punctis R, G, N) connexâque rectâ DN;
ſit perpetuò DN propor-
tione media inter RN, NG;
erit linea DNN _hyperbola_.
Per D ducatur DK ad DB perpendicularis (ſecans ipſam RN in E)
ſit FH ad DB parallela; vocentúrque DB = _b_; DF = _d_; FH
= _f_;
tum DG = _x_; & GN = _y_; Eſtque _d. f: : x._ {_fx_/_d_} = _GE_;
unde {_zfxy_/_d_} + _xx_ + _yy_ = 2 EG x GN + DGq + GNq
= DN q.
Porrò eſt _d. b_: : FG. GR: : _d_ - _x_. RG = _b_ - {_bx._ /_d_} Un-
de RN = _b_ - {_bx_/_d_} + _y_.
Et ideò _by_ - {_bxy_/_d_} + _yy_ = RN x
NG = DNq = {2_fxy_/_d_} + _xx_ + _yy_.
quare _by_ - {_bxy_/_d_} =
{2_fxy_/_d_} + _xx_.
quam æquationem ordinando fit {_db_/2_f_+_b_}_y_ - _yx_ =
quòd ſi ponatur _m_ = {_db_/2_f_+_b_3} erit _my_ - _xy_ =
Unde liquet DNN eſſe _hyperbolam_, qualis habetur in præ-
cedente determinata,
Not. Siangulus DGN rectus fuerit, evaneſcente tum _f_ = _o_,

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