Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1ple, which event, though it were no other
then we expected, was differing from what
we deſir'd.
For we would gladly have ſeen
what change would have appear'd in the
Water upon the Bottles being ſuddenly
unſtopp'd, in a place where the ambient
Body was ſo differing from our common
Wherefore we did again put in the
Viol, but leſs ſtrongly cloſ'd then for­
merly, though as ſtrongly ſtopt as ſeem'd
requiſite on ordinary occaſions: But when
the Air was pump'd out of the Receiver,
that within the Viol did quickly, as we
expected, find or make it ſelf little paſſa­
ges to get out at: as we argu'd, from this,
That whereas when the Viol was put in
the time before, the Water remain'd all
the while perfectly free from bubbles; at
this time the bottom of the Glaſs ap­
pear'd all cover'd with them, and they,
upon the regreſs of the excluded Air into
the Receiver, did preſently flag and ſhrink
From theſe tryals it ſeem'd deducible
enough, that whil'ſt the Viol continu'd
to be well ſtopt, the included Water
did, from the Air, ſhut up with it,
ſuſtain a preſſure equal to that of the
Atmoſphere; ſince till the Air could get

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