Theodosius <Bithynius>; Clavius, Christoph, Theodosii Tripolitae Sphaericorum libri tres

Table of contents

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[231.] complementorum arcuum eiuſdem Quadrantis.
[232.] Gradus Quadrantis pro ſinubus
[233.] Gradus Quadrantis pro ſinubus rectis
[234.] rectis arcuum eiuſdem Quadrantis
[235.] complementorum arcuum eiuſdem Quadrantis.
[236.] Gradus Quadrantis pro ſinubus
[237.] Gradus Quadrantis pro ſinubus rectis
[238.] rectis arcuum eiuſdem Quadrantis.
[239.] complementorum arcuum eiuſdem Quadrantis.
[240.] EXPLICATIO, ATQVE VSVS TABVLAE præcedentis Sinuum rectorum.
[241.] THEOR. 7. PROPOS. 10.
[242.] SCHOLIVM.
[244.] THEOR. 8. PROPOS. II.
[245.] SCHOLIVM.
[246.] PROBL. 4. PROP. 12.
[247.] PROBL. 5. PROP. 13.
[249.] PROBL. 6. PROPOS. 14.
[251.] PROBL. 7. PROPOS. 15.
[253.] PROBL. 8. PROPOS. 16.
[254.] SCHOLIVM.
[255.] LINAE TANGENTES, atque Secantes.
[256.] THEOR. .9. PROPOS. 17.
[257.] SCHOLIVM.
[258.] THEOR. 10. PROPOS. 18.
[259.] SCHOLIVM.
[260.] THEOR 11. PROPOS. 19.
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page |< < (233) of 532 > >|
arcuum eiuſdem Quadrantis
# 69 # 70 # 71 # 72
30 # 26746206 # 28239125 # 29886847 # 31715946 # 30
31 # 26769942 # 28265253 # 29915765 # 31748144 # 39
32 # 26793716 # 28291424 # 29944734 # 31780401 # 28
33 # 26816527 # 28317638 # 29973753 # 31812717 # 27
34 # 26841375 # 28343895 # 30002823 # 31845093 # 26
35 # 26865260 # 28379195 # 30031943 # 31877528 # 25
36 # 26889183 # 28396539 # 30061113 # 31910024 # 24
37 # 26913143 # 28422926 # 30090334 # 31942580 # 23
38 # 26937141 # 28449357 # 30119605 # 31975197 # 22
39 # 26961177 # 28475832 # 30148927 # 32007875 # 21
40 # 26985251 # 28502350 # 30178299 # 32040613 # 20
41 # 27009362 # 28528913 # 30207723 # 32073413 # 19
42 # 27033511 # 28555520 # 30237200 # 32106275 # 18
43 # 27057698 # 28582172 # 30266730 # 32139200 # 17
44 # 27081922 # 28608868 # 30296312 # 32172187 # 16
45 # 27106184 # 28635608 # 30325947 # 32205237 # 15
46 # 27130484 # 28662393 # 30355635 # 32238349 # 14
47 # 27154823 # 28689222 # 30385375 # 32271524 # 13
48 # 27179200 # 28716096 # 30415169 # 32304762 # 12
49 # 27203616 # 28743015 # 30445015 # 32338064 # 11
50 # 27228070 # 28769979 # 30474915 # 32371430 # 10
51 # 27252563 # 28796987 # 30504867 # 32404858 # 9
52 # 27277095 # 28824040 # 30534872 # 32438348 # 8
53 # 27301667 # 28851139 # 30564930 # 32471901 # 7
54 # 27326278 # 28878283 # 30595041 # 32505517 # 6
55 # 27350929 # 28905472 # 30625205 # 32539196 # 5
56 # 27375620 # 28932707 # 30655423 # 32572937 # 4
57 # 27400350 # 28959988 # 30685695 # 32606741 # 3
58 # 27425120 # 28987315 # 30716020 # 32640907 # 2
59 # 27449929 # 29014687 # 30746400 # 32674536 # 1
60 # 27474777 # 29042105 # 30776834 # 32708528 # 0
# 20 # 19 # 18 # 17
complementorum arcuum eiuſdem Quadrantis

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  • Fulltext index
  • Morphological index