Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1Phænomenon to what I have ſeen happen
in the diſſolution of Seed-Pearl in ſome
acid Menſtruum, in which, if a good quan­
tity of the little Pearls be caſt whole, they
will at firſt, if the Menſtruum be ſharp e­
nough, be carryed in ſwarms from the
bottom to the top of the Liquor.
will adde, that without ſealing up the
Glaſs, this Experiment may be try'd in
one of our ſmalleſt Receivers, for there
the exſuction of the ambient Air may be
perform'd ſo nimbly, that immediately
the bubbles lurking in the Water are al­
low'd to diſplay themſelves, and aſcend
in throngs; inſomuch, as having in ſuch
a Receiver try'd the Experiment with
Wine (as a more ſpirituous Liquor) in­
ſtead of Water, the Red-Wine appear'd
all cover'd, with a copious, but vaniſhing
white Froth, almoſt as if a Veſſel full of
bottl'd drink had been unwarily open'd.
IT may not a little conduce to the clear­

er explication of divers Points in the
Doctrine of Meteors, and perhaps of
ſome other Phyſiological difficulties, to
diſcover what the Air does to the motion
of thoſe Steams or Exhalations that aſ-

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