Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 201]
[Figure 202]
[Figure 203]
[Figure 204]
[Figure 205]
[Figure 206]
[Figure 207]
[Figure 208]
[Figure 209]
[Figure 210]
[Figure 211]
[Figure 212]
[Figure 213]
[Figure 214]
[Figure 215]
[Figure 216]
[Figure 217]
[Figure 218]
[Figure 219]
[Figure 220]
[Figure 221]
[Figure 222]
[Figure 223]
[Figure 224]
[Figure 225]
[Figure 226]
[Figure 227]
[Figure 228]
[Figure 229]
[Figure 230]
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            <pb pagenum="212"/>
            <figure number="124"/>
            <p type="caption">
              <s>A—TUNNEL. B—LINEN CLOTH.
              heavier with the depth of a shaft, of which fact he has made mention, but
              also with the length of a tunnel.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>The climbing machines of miners are ladders, fixed to one side of the shaft,
              and these reach either to the tunnel or to the bottom of the shaft. </s>
              <s>I need not
              describe how they are made, because they are used everywhere, and need
              not so much skill in their construction as care in fixing them. </s>
              miners go down into mines not only by the steps of ladders, but they are
              also lowered into them while sitting on a stick or a wicker basket, fastened to
              the rope of one of the three drawing machines which I described at first.
              <s>Further, when the shafts are much inclined, miners and other workmen
              sit in the dirt which surrounds their loins and slide down in the same way
              that boys do in winter-time when the water on some hillside has congealed
              with the cold, and to prevent themselves from falling, one arm is wound about
              a rope, the upper end of which is fastened to a beam at the mouth of the shaft,
              and the lower end to a stake fixed in the bottom of the shaft. </s>
              <s>In these three
              ways miners descend into the shafts. </s>
              <s>A fourth way may be mentioned
              which is employed when men and horses go down to the underground </s>