Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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Of the chief Matters containedin the
ACceleration of time in Works
# of Nature, 67. In Clarifi-
# cation of Liquor, 68. In ſe-
# ueral Maturations, 69. As
# of Fruits, ibid. Of Drinks, ibid.
# Impoſthumes and Ulcers, ibid. Of
# Metals, ibid. Of Clarification in wine,
# 165. Acctleration of Putrefaction,
# 73. Acceleration of Birth, 78. Of
# Growth or Stature, ibid. Three means
# of it # ibid.
Acceleration of Germination, 89. By
# three means, viz. Mending the Non-
# riſhment, 90. Comforting the Spirits
# of the Plant, ibid. Eaſie coming to
# the Nouriſhment, 91. Several inſtances
# thereof # 89,90,91
Aches in Mens Bodies foreſhew rain, # 176
Egypt ſcarce hath any rain, 161. Egypti-
# an conſerving of bodies, 163. Their
# Mummies # ibid.
Equinoctial more tolerable for heat, then
# the Zones, 87. Three cauſes thereof # ibid.
Æthiopes # 87
Ætna # 165
Affectation of Tyranny over Mens un-
# derſtandings andbeliefs # 213
Affections of Beaſts impreſſed upon inani-
# mate things # 214
Agarick # 116,131
Air turnedinto water, 6. # By four ſeve-
# ralways, ibid. Inſtances tending there-
# to, 20, 21. Converted into a denſe
# body, a rarity in Nature, 7. Hath an
# antipathy with tangible bodies, 21.
# Converted into water by repercnßion
# from hard bodies, ibid. Air turned into
# water by the ſame means that Ice, ibid.
# Congealing of air, 80. Air condenſed
# into weight # 156
Air pent the cauſe of Sounds, # 32, 33, 34.
# Eruptions thereof, cauſe Sounds, ibid.
# Air not always neceſſary to Sounds, # 36
Air excluded in ſome Bodies, prohibiteth
# putrefaction, 75. In ſome cauſeth it,
# 76. The cauſes of each, ibid. Air com-
# preſſed and blown, prohibiteth putre-
# faction # 77
Airs wholeſome, how found out, 164. The
# putrefaction of air, to be diſcerned a-
# forchand, 173. Airs good to recover Con-
# ſumptions, 204. Air healthful within
# doors, how procured # ibid.
Air and Fire, foreſhew winds # 274
Air, 21. The cauſes of heat, and cold in it,
# ibid. Hath ſome degree of light in it, # ibid.
Air poyſoned by art # 202
Alchymiſts # 71
Alexanders Body preſerved till Ceſars time, # 163
Aliments changed good # 18
Alleys cloſe gravelled, what they bring
# forth # 117
All Night # 83
Almond Putter for nouriſhing ſick bodies
# better then Cullices # 13
Alterations of bodies # 179
Altering the colours of Hairs and Feathers # 183
Amber ſmell # 203
Anger, 150. The impreßion thereof, 151.
# Cauſeth the eyes to look red, 189. The
# cauſe # ibid.
Animate and inanimate, wherein they differ, # 125
Annihilation, not poſsible in Nature # 28
Anointing of the Weapon # 213
Annual Herbs # 120
Antonius his genius weak before Auguſtus, # 204
Antipathy and Sympathy, 25. Of Plants,
# 101, 102, 103, 104, 105. Inſtances of

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