Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1ſeem'd to proceed from the Air before
impriſon'd in the Viol, and diffuſing it
ſelf ſuddenly into the capicity of the
Yet we afterward obſerv'd,
as we expected, That the fumes did not
mount and diſperſe themſelves as they
uſe to do in the open Air, but that, when
by reaſon of the agitation of the Cor­
puſcles of the Liquor, which could not
continue their motion in ſo narrow a
ſpace as the Viol afforded them, and were
therefore reduc'd to thruſt one another
out of it; when, I ſay, by theſe aſſi­
ſtances the fumes were aſcended to the lip
of the Viol, they mounted no higher,
but ran down along the out-ſide of the
Viol to the bottom of it; and thence
along, a long and inclining piece of Lead,
on which the Viol reſted, like a little
Stream (not very much bigger then a
Swans Quill) whoſe nature it ſeemd to e­
mulate ſo well, that it quitted not the Viol
till it was come to the bottom of it, and
then forſook it in ſuch a manner as a
ſtream of Water of the ſame bigneſs
would have done.
And this ſtream laſted
a pretty while, and would probably have
laſted longer, but that being loath to waſte
my Liquor, I let in at the Stop-cock a

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