Harriot, Thomas, Mss. 6782

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page |< < (126) of 1011 > >|
    <echo version="1.0RC">
      <text xml:lang="eng" type="free">
        <div type="bundle" level="1" n="1">
          <pb file="add_6782_f126" o="126" n="251"/>
          <div type="page_commentary" level="0" n="0">
              <s xml:space="preserve">[
                <emph style="bf">Commentary:</emph>
              <s xml:space="preserve"> On this folio and the next (Add MS
                <ref target="http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/permanent/library/HSPGZ0AE&start=250&viewMode=image&pn=251"> f. </ref>
                <ref target="http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/permanent/library/HSPGZ0AE&start=250&viewMode=image&pn=253"> f. </ref>
              ), Harriot has used the formulae from page 17 (Add MS 6782
                <ref target="http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/permanent/library/HSPGZ0AE&start=240&viewMode=image&pn=247"> f. </ref>
              ) to write equations for
              , and
              in terms of
              , and
              . He has solved first for
              in terms of
              , then for
              in terms of
              , then for
              in terms of
              , and
              , and so on. He has ended each calculation with 'RE', indicating 'recto' or 'correct'. </s>
              <s xml:space="preserve">]</s>
          <head xml:space="preserve"/>
            <s xml:space="preserve"> 1. Canon.
              <emph style="bf">Translation: </emph>
            Canon for