Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1pretty deal of the external Air; notwith­
ſtanding which, finding after a while the
ſtream did run afreſh; though, as it ſeem'd,
not altogether ſo copious as before: I let
as much more Air, as would, come in, and
found (ſomewhat to my wonder) that
though the ſtream formerly mention'd
diſ-appear'd, yet there appear'd not any
white fumes to ariſe, either from the Cork,
or out of the Viol it ſelf, no not when
the Cover was remov'd from the Recei­
ver; though not onely after a while there
aſcended white Fumes from the Receiver:
but having forthwith taken out the Viol
into the open Air, it emitted white ex­
halations as before; and having preſently
after unſtop'd it in an open Window, we
found both it and the Cork immediatly
to ſend forth a yet much more plentiful
Though it be now divers years
ſince this Numerical Liquor was prepa­
red, after the manner mention'd either
by Carneiades or Eleutherius (for I do not
well remember which) in thoſe Dialogues
concerning Heat and Flame that have a­
bove been mention'd.
More Circumſtances concerning theſe
Fumes we might have obſerv'd, had we
not been deterr'd by an Indiſpoſition in

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