Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1point of health, from having much to do
with ſteams of ſo dangerous a nature, as by
that of the Ingredients of this Liquor
theſe ſeem likely to be of.
The Reflections that may be made up­
on this Experiment, we have not now the
leaſure to proſecute, and therefore ſhall
content our ſelves to recommend the ſe­
veral Circumſtances of it to Your Lord­
ſhips ſerious conſideration; and to take
notice (en paſſant) that ſteams in an am­
bient Body, or a medium thinner then
themſelves, may both tend downwards,
and otherwiſe emulate the nature of a
Liquor; which I therefore point at, that
it may appear the leſs ſtrange, if we ſome­
times ſpeak of the Atmoſphere as of a
kinde of Liquor, in compariſon of that
more thin and ſubtle Celeſtial Matter that
ſurrounds it.
And though it might perchance ſuf­
fice to have on this occaſion intima­
ted thus much; yet, leſt this way
of ſpeaking of the Atmoſphere ſhould
be thought too bold and extra­
vagant, I am content to borrow an
Experiment of the Diſcourſe former-

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