Huygens, Christiaan, Christiani Hugenii opera varia; Bd. 2: Opera geometrica. Opera astronomica. Varia de optica

Table of figures

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[Figure 191]
[192] Pag. 626.TAB. LI.Fig. 1.F E D V S 30 20 10 C L G R H K P A M Z I O X B
[193] Fig. 2.L K O R E H N I S D G B C
[194] Fig. 3.A 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
[195] Fig. 4
[196] Fig. 5.
[197] Fig. 6.
[198] Fig. 1.
[199] Fig. 2.
[200] Fig. 3.
[201] Fig. 4.
[202] Fig. 5.
[203] Fig. 6.
[204] Fig. 7.
[205] Fig. 8.
[206] Fig. 9.
[207] Fig. 10.
[208] Fig. 11.
[209] Fig. 12.
[210] Fig. 13.
[Figure 211]
[Figure 212]
[Figure 213]
[Figure 214]
[Figure 215]
[Figure 216]
[217] Pg. 700TAB. LIII.4 3 2 1 Annu Sat. lus
[218] 4 3 2 1 Jup.
[219] Luna Tellus
[220] Pag. 704.TAB. LIV.Fig. 1.Satu@@i. Jovis. Martis. Telluris. veneris. M@rc. ♎ Sol. ♈ VS
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