Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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ment 30.
All which being added to the late Ex­
periment of the ſmoking Liquor, and
to what may be from that which has been
elſewhere ſayd, gather'd to the ſame pur­
poſe, will, I hope, keep it at leaſt from ap­
pearing abſur'd: If ſince we ſee that there
is ſo great an inequality in the denſity and
weight of Liquors, that water is neere 14
times thinner or lighter than Quick-ſilver
of the ſame bulk, and well dephlegm'd;
Spirit of Wine yet much lighter than wa­
ter; we venter to ſpeak ſometimes of the
Atmoſphere, as if it were a peculiar kind
of thin and halituous Liquor (if I may ſo
call it) much lighter than Spirit of Wine.
To theſe things I know not whether it
will be requiſite to add, that as we late­
ly took notice of conſpicuous waves that
appear'd upon the ſuperficies of our agi­
tated ſmoke.
So ſome ſuch thing may
not abſurdly be conjectur'd to happen
on the ſuperficies of the Atmoſphere,
by thoſe ſtrange ruggedneſſes that ap­
peare (eſpecially in the Spring and Fall,
when exhalations and vapours are wont to
aſcend moſt plentifully) upon the Limb
or Edge of the Riſing and Setting Sun.
ſpeake thus diffidently upon this occaſion
becauſe I know that by the Fluctuation or

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