Huygens, Christiaan, Christiani Hugenii opera varia; Bd. 1: Opera mechanica

Table of contents

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[191.] VI. Demonſtratio Æquilibrii bilancis.
[192.] VII. De potentiis fila funesve trahentibus.
[193.] VIII. Solitio problematis a G G. Leibnitio propoſiti in diario (cui titulus Nouvelles de la Republi-que des Lettres) menſis Sept. 1687. PROBLEMA.
[194.] Solutio.
[195.] IX. Chriſtiani Hugenii, Solutio Problematis de linea in quam flexile ſe pondere pro-prio curvat.
[196.] X. Hugenii Annotationes in librum Pariſiis 1689. editum, de Manuaria Nautica.
[197.] XI. Reſponſum Dni Renaldi ad Dominum Hugenium.
[198.] XII. Exceptio Dni Hugenii ad Reſponſum Dni Renaldi.
[199.] FINIS.
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                <caption xml:id="echoid-caption94" style="it" xml:space="preserve">Pag. 164.
                Fig. 1.</caption>
                <variables xml:id="echoid-variables96" xml:space="preserve">G B O N C R P F</variables>
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                <caption xml:id="echoid-caption98" style="it" xml:space="preserve">Fig. 6.</caption>
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